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Educational Philosophy

I believe:

Everyone should have the opportunity to learn
Everyone's story deserves to be told
Knowledge helps you grow
Knowledge that changes the way you see the world is worth knowing
Mental illness does not make you less than
In amplifying BIPOC voices
Everyone's opinion matters
It's okay to have a bad day
You and I can both leave every place better than we found it
Black Lives Matter
There is a place for everyone to belong
In listening to people's stories
You don't always have to be perfect
It's okay to cry
Growth come from love
There is beauty everywhere
Your fears are real and valid
Your identity is real and valid
Pursue creativity
In fighting for what you believe in
The world is shaping you into something important
Change takes work
Be kind to yourself
It's okay to need help
Skills are a result of patience and hard work
Give yourself and others grace and compassion
Find your own pace
Don't be afraid to dream
It has been better, so it will be better
Love first.

"Love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love
cannot be killed or swept aside," (Lin Manuel Miranda)



“It’s important not to get angry with people for what they don’t know,” -Talisien Jaffe

“The world of men is heavy and hard,” the princely cat proclaimed. “But here across the vale we move with lighter step. Dance with us, child, and forget your troubles for a spell,” -Liam O'Brien, Der Katzen Prinz

"You cannot let all the world's tragedies into your heart. You'll drown. But the ones you do let in should count. Let them manifest action," -Lin Manuel Miranda

"To engender empathy and create a world using only words is the closest thing we have to magic," -Lin Manuel Miranda

"If you wanted to, you could bend and shape the world," -Susan Dennard

"Curiosity is a strong fire, and once ignited, it is not easily put out," -Susan Dennard

"Complacency is the killer of creativity," -Quyen Tran

"The goal is to bring more joy and hope than we do darkness," -Matthew Mercer


"I want to change a heart and mind, and save a soul. Just one," -Taliesin Jaffe

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